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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5pm  CBS  May 2, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> please be sure to keep the gates closed and secure. [ sobbing ] >> you know, i don't know if i'll ever be able to take my dog for a walk again. >> reporter: animal services said it previously investigated the house where the dogs got loose. that part of the story tonight at 6:00. in brentwood, ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> a pit bull that attacked a girl in vallejo is quarantined and a hearing will decide its fate. the 3-year-old had to be taken to the hospital yesterday. it was her father who pried the dog's jaws off her head. the neighbor's dog was taken away by animal control. a fatal crash in downtown san jose, at least one person was killed in a single car accident on first street. it could have hit a pole. traffic in the area is impacted for the investigation. a jury has reached a verdict in the high stakes patent fight between apple and samsung over smartphone technology.
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the court's expected to announce that decision shortly. the jury of four men, four women, began deliberating tuesday after a month long trial. apple accused samsung of infringing on five of its software patents seeking more than $2 billion in damages. samsung then countersued apple for copying its patents. we'll bring that you verdict just as soon as it's announced. new at 5:00, brothels masquerading as massage parlors busts involving several bay area counties. kpix 5's ken bastida is in the newsroom with the details. ken. >> reporter: yeah, hi, elizabeth. in a high level operation, 400 law enforcement officers executed dozens of search warrants today bringing down 13 massage parlor and spas allegedly fronts for laundry list of crimes including human trafficking, sex exploitation and labor trafficking. was a widespread operation covering several counties.
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the district attorney of alameda county says it was the community who stepped forward to help kick off this investigation. >> the community came to the alameda county sheriff's department to complain about 7 separate businesses in the unincorporated part of this county. and the community complaints was that these businesses were really fronts for houses of prostitution. >> reporter: a lot of complaints and those complaints were followed up by a six-month investigation that expanded to uncovering multiple criminal operations. so here it is. 18 people arrested today. 17 of which are women. 111 total criminal charges were filed. and authorities say the growth of massage parlors operating as prostitution rings is an increasing problem here in the bay area. reporting live from the newsroom, i'm ken bastida, kpix 5. >> thank you. new at 5:00, a passenger trying to smuggle 81 pounds of marijuana out of oakland airport didn't get very far.
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tsa agents found three suitcases neatly packed full of pot during a baggage screening. 26-year-old anastasia murdoch was traveling from oakland to jackson, mississippi. she didn't say why she was trying to fly with so much pot. that stash worth $100,000, the cops think they know why she had it. she is in jail on charges of possessing marijuana for sale. more security cameras are coming to san jose international in the wake of the breach of the teenager stowing away to him. i. len ramirez reports. >> reporter: congressman eric swalwell toured mineta san jose international today. he says there must be a cost- effective technological solution to the problem of airport perimeter security and wants the high-tech companies around here to work with the government to find out what that solution is. swalwell sits on the homeland security committee in congress. he caravaned around the fence line at mineta san jose today. he said the airport is in
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compliance with existing tsa security standards. the problem is, those standards aren't doing the job. >> our belief based on what we have seen from contractors both private and public, there are opportunities to have pilot programs to see how technology can better secure our airports and make sure that passengers know that when get on a plane, only a ticketed passenger who has been screened and cleared by security is also on that plane. >> reporter: swalwell also revealed that none of the security cameras here at mineta san jose recorded the teen penetrating the perimeter fence. he said airport officials will be installing more cameras to provide better security coverage. tonight at 6:00, we'll have more on what one pilot says is an obvious low tech solution that's being ignored. len ramirez, kpix 5. four homes burned in san francisco's oceanview neighborhood this morning and thanks to one resident's quick
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thinking, several people were able to get out. cell phone video captured account massive flames on bright street. one man used fire extinguishers to help douse the flames giving people inside just enough time to escape before it got out of control. 90 firefighters on scene had to deal with thick smoke mixed with fog limiting visibility. >> i look up, i just see flames all over my face, just everything just burning, just like -- i couldn't see, my eyes started burning up, i can't see anything. >> more than a dozen people lost everything in that fire. two people ended up in the hospital with smoke inhalation. san jose police say they have arrested the man who stabbed a mother of three to death in her apartment. 22-year-old woman was arrested and faces a murder charge. -- plan was arrested and faces a murder charge, he is a relative of the victim. a neighbor called the police officers. they found the body of a 28- year-old woman. she has three young daughters. so far, there's no word on a
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motive. san francisco police tried a new way to nab bicycle thieves. they are using craigslist. the antibike theft unit posted this ad with photos of bike theft suspects and a message in part reading, our bikes are waiting. that next stolen bicycle you attempt to sell on craigslist, don't be surprised when you go to meet the seller and it's one of us instead. >> i have warned the bike thieving public that i will be posting your mugshot and plastering your face all over social media because people have a right to know who you are. this is the second round of deeds that i have posted. look for a third, fourth and fifth round in the near future. >> the antibike theft unit says this craigslist campaign has been very successful. bart police held a bike stingareesing two men one of whom is contra costa county's
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biggest offenders, they say. people cheering as the new bike lane opens on polk street in san francisco. it's different than most of them. it's called contraflow bike lane because cyclists ride against the flow of traffic. it also has a unique safety feature, separated from traffic by a raised island planted with succulents. ukraine is on the verge of an all-out civil war tonight. pro-russian forces shot down two government helicopters. it comes as ukraine launched and offensive against separatists. president obama met with german chancellor angela merkel and threatened new sanctions. >> we want to see a diplomatic resolution to the situation in ukraine. but we have also been clear that if the russian leadership does not change course, it will face increasing costs as well as growing isolation. >> because european nations get so much oil and gas from russian, broader sanctions could hurt them, as well. meantime, both sides confirm
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that two ukrainian helicopters were shot down by pro-russian insurgents and dozens were killed in a fire and battle that broke out on the streets of odessa in ukraine. now, several cbs journalists were caught up in the crisis overnight when insurgents detained them. burning tires blocked road in a city where pro-russian forces detained clarissa ward and her crew. they had just snapped these pictures. >> we were then blindfolded and put on a vehicle and taken to another location when we stopped at this other location, there was a woman who was shouting at us telling us to shut up, not to speak. we had to stand up and put our hands against a wall while they took all of our possessions. >> cbs news producer erin lyall was among the group detained. she told us on kpix 5 this morning that the battle isn't just between two sides but involves insurgents with no loyalties. >> there are not taking orders
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from russia or ukraine. these are local guys with uniforms and guns and they are doing things on their own. so when a deal is struck with ukraine and russia, it has no impact on the ground here. these guys are saying, listen, nobody's negotiating with us. we're just protecting our own state. >> what cbs male crew member was beaten before they were given back their belongings and let go. right now, tens of thousands of russian troops are still massed along the border with ukraine. it's a terrifying scenario. a teenager with an arsenal of weapons and a plot to kill. >> a great tragedy was averted. >> how a woman's hunch foiled a potentially devastating school massacre. >> sterling breaks his silence. the clippers owner's one regret about his racist comments and the girlfriend who recorded him. >> the ferry just came in to alameda but i'll tell you what, it is an entirely different weather pattern. still sunny, but not nearly as warm. we'll talk about your weekend forecast and beyond as the
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onshore flow has returned. that's coming up next. >> a sex suite on wheels. the hook-up truck hits the streets. it's the talk of the bay area but is it even legal? ,,
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the fight with samsung over smartphones. the ruling on an update to our breaking news. a jury has decided in favor of apple in the fight over samsung over smartphones. that decision says samsung infringed on apple's patents. apple was seeking more than $2 billion in damages. clippers owner donald sterling is breaking his silence in an interview with du jour magazine he said i wish i had just paid her off. that was in reference to v stiviano the woman he made the comments to. meanwhile, sterling is fighting more than just the nba. he is also battling prostate cancer. >> my thoughts and prayers are with him.
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>> the nba is expected to move forward to try to force sterling to sell the clippers. he has been banned and fined by the league. a teenager with an arsenal of weapons and deadly plan. tonight chilling details of a foiled school massacre in minnesota. police say 17-year-old john ledoux admitted to idolizing one of the columbine shooters. a woman reported him acting suspiciously at a storage facility and called police. inside his shed officers found more explosives than they had ever seen in one place. and then in his bedroom, a stash of guns. three functional bombs and a 180-page plan to kill his family and students at the junior and senior high school in waseca. >> he intended to set off numerous bombs during the lunch hour kill the school resource officer as he was helping, set fires and shoot students and staff. >> ledoux was arrested at his home on tuesday. he told investigators he expected s.w.a.t. team members to kill him. he said he would have shot at
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officers but he only had a knife. the 11th grader admitted to practicing for the attack setting off bombs at a nearby church and park earlier this spring. dig out those old gift cards from your drawers and turn them into cash. the new way to sell your unwanted plastic on the spot at the supermarket. >> and we're going to get our first look inside the hook-up truck a mobile meeting room for experiencing for consenting adults. we'll take you inside the truck and meet the creator coming up. ,,,,
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female announcer: get three years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event, ends sunday. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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it's touted as a safe and --- well, something called the hook- up truck is making its debut this weekend in the bay area. >> i already feel like i need to take a shower. it's touted as a safe convenient place to -- you know, while you're out on the town. brian webb in oakland to kind of explain what we might already know. brian. >> reporter: it's our first look inside. you know, a lot of internet buzz about this. we have the creator right here miss emerson. tell me how did you come up with this idea? >> well, i was returning from a body storytelling, it's a sexy storytelling event great one. and my friend over here was talking about using grinder and it inspired the thought as an artist, how can i get in on
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this? i thought, well, capitalize on a problem. let's make a mobile meeting room. so. >> reporter: so we are inside the truck but not -- you're not going to let us see all of it. tell us what is in here, how the rules work, what kind of feedback you're getting. >> it's a room, it's very beautiful, uhm, you know, it's designed. we built the furniture custom made everything was custom built and the walls are beautiful and the lighting is nice and it's a surprising space. it's meant to be surprising and that's why you guys can't go in beca -- >> reporter: i understand. you have rules. >> definitely lots of rules. nice legal rules that we're, uhm, outlined by my fantastic attorney. we have a lot of rules. one of the this em is just be friendly. temperature you're rude you're not allowed -- if you're rude, you're not allowed here. that's the nice thing about creating whatever i want. i require friendliness. >> reporter: people are asking, is this legal? is it safe? >> oh, it's definitely safe. it's all about safe. it's safe sex and protecting,
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you know, sex. people being able to adventure having all the protection that they need physical protection as we have security a driver and, you know, the people involved with the truck for strangers who meet maybe who don't know each other or if you are getting crispy on the outside somewhere or if you want to spike up your marriage, park in the driveway while the kids are asleep. >> reporter: you think there's a need for this, hotels and back seats are so yesterday? >> i don't think, i know. by the response, i had no idea this response would be as strong as it has been. it's been an incredible response a huge demographic so i know there's a need for this and we're going to franchise it. >> reporter: good luck. thanks for the preview. it debuts tonight in oakland and in san francisco a first for the bay area. allen. >> okay. >> how do the permits work for this where you want to park it? >> we'll see. >> thanks, brian. a deadly virus from the middle east has shown up in the
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united states. a patient with mers was in this northwest indiana hospital. the patient traveled to saudi arabia and came down with shortness of breath, coughing and fever. he is in stable condition and in isolation. the unemployment rate hit its lowest level since 2008. the labor department high pressurep says 288,000 -- the labor department says 288,000 new jobs were added last month exceeding expectations dropping the unemployment rate from 6.7 to 6.3%. gift cards make great gifts. but many people never even use them. on the consumerwatch, julie watts says the same company that turns loose change into usable cash is now going after unused gift cards. >> reporter: it's the big problem with gift cards. we get them but we often don't spend them. >> the last little bit, forget about it. it's usually money accumulated. >> you wind up keeping it for years and when you clean out the old wallet you run across it and throw it away.
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>> reporter: now there's an alternative. there's a new kiosk in town, coin star exchange allowing you to sell your gift card at the supermarket for cash on the spot. >> the appeal is you get that instant gratification. >> reporter: nerd wallet says the new machines usually offer about 70 cents on the dollar. more if it's popular, less if there's little demand. >> it varies. >> reporter: we gave it a try but this machine at this safeway in san francisco didn't want our gift card from rei and we're not sure why. but this one from target was rejected because there was only 5 bucks left on the card. the kiosk did offer $25 from this card from express a little over 50% of the balance. it also wanted to buy this macy's store credit not exactly a gift card but it still works offering about 60% of the value. >> obviously, that's not a great rate of return. you could probably do better yourself if you went on these
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websites on and things like that. >> reporter: the machines are convenient and what money you get you can spend right away. >> i think that's cool. >> something sounds better than nothing. >> reporter: now, to sell a card there has to be at least $20 on the card and you have to have your driver's license for verification. but coin star exchange tells us machines can have trouble reading california licenses and our producer wasn't able to get any cash today for her cards. the cards end up being resold to consumers on those card resale sites. >> clever. meeting a demand. >> reporter: definitely. once they get that driver's license thing figured out it might be a little more convenient. >> thank you. a thick blanket of fog rolled in in san francisco this morning. chopper 5 flew right above sutro tower. isn't that gorgeous? kpix 5's chief meteorologist paul deanno joins us now with the mobile weather lab in alameda with a look at the weekend cooldown. hey, paul. >> reporter: it's a cooldown
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and it's the weekend. ferry terminal in alameda will be busy once the ferries arrive in a few minutes. we have a changing weather scene. sunny and gorgeous, temperatures down 15 to 20 degrees. we'll scan across the water here of san francisco bay. and you can not only feel the difference, you can see the difference. we just talked about our chopper getting a view of the fog this morning. well, it's still out there this afternoon. that marine layer providing a beautiful silhouette behind the downtown san francisco skyline. the onshore flow is back and temperatures have started to drop. let's compare yesterday to today. san francisco 84 for a high yesterday. today 62. that is a 22-degree change in one day. all we did was change the wind direction. oakland 16 degrees cooler today. your high 73. now, san jose still warm 84. but that is 8 degrees cooler than yesterday and 8 degrees cooler in livermore with a high of 87. as of right now, san francisco is down to 58, san bruno 64. still warm in livermore 86.
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san jose 77. and oakland downtown oakland at 70 degrees. partly cloudy skies overnight lows in the 50s. san jose 54. concord 53. santa rosa you're one of the spots in the north bay dropping into the 40s overnight tonight. so what changed? we're still sunny. the wind direction changed. the ridge is down to the south shoved there by a big area of low pressure that will not give us any rainfall but it will be up to our north enhancing the onshore flow and as it increases, there's an inverse proportion there so temperatures will go down. partly cloudy skies tonight, cooler with clouds, temperatures dropping again on sunday so we're not done with the cooling by any stretch of the imagination. these are your highs tomorrow. san francisco 65. pacifica 61. san jose only 72. that's a dozen degrees cooler. mountain view 70. and fairfield tomorrow 74. once we get cool, we'll stay cool. monday and tuesday highs in the
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60s inland. by the end of next week we'll see a tiny warmup back to around 80 degrees inland and 70 near the bay. what a beautiful view here from alameda, just a special way to come to or from the city where we have nothing but water, nothing but sunshine, but the heat wave is done! the onshore flow has returned. live in alameda, paul deanno, back to you in the studio. >> thank you. just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, the goblin shark is pulled up from the deep! the mysterious beast that has scientists baffled. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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in the sea. a goblin shark. th a fisherman in the florida keys came face to face you might say with one of the rarest and ugliest sharks in the sea. they call this a goblin shark. the 18-foot beast got caught up in the fisherman's net before being brought aboard the boat and then let go. biologists are interviewing the man because very little is known about these fish and very few have been caught.
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in fact, this is only the second sighting in the gulf of mexico. >> wouldn't want to run into that. san jose city hall is officially welcoming several new live-in residents. two baby girls and two baby boy falcons joined the nest box on the building. a bird researcher rappelled into the box to see band the birds. clara and fernando were seen flying above. a bird's-eye view as the researcher holds one. he bands them to track their whereabouts for science. the best taco in america is sold here in the bay area. in the mission, in fact. the website daily meals says la taqueria takes the top spot rating the carnitas taco number one on the 50 best tacos list. more than 200 food experts from around the country put together the rankings. two other taco shops in the bay area made the list. >> getting hungry.
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>> they didn't rate the food trucks. just fyi. i know taco guys is pretty popular. >> i don't think you can go wrong. >> any taco is good. we'll be right back. : ,, ,,,,,,,,,,
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safeway knows you don't want to fly all over town to find the best deals. that's why they have lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, bite into a juicy, seedless watermelon. they're just $3.99 each. breyer's ice cream is $2.99. and start the fiesta. corona is just $11.97 a twelve pack.
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there's more savings to love... at safeway. a woman running facing felony ch i'm ken bastida in the kpix 5 newsroom. new at 6:00 tonight, a woman running for office is facing felony charges. it's a story you'll only see on kpix 5. why this bay area candidate is under investigation. >> all right. see you then. "cbs evening news with scott pelley" is next. see you in 30 minutes.
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>> pelley: tonight, two helicopters shot down. violence escalates sharply today in the worst east-west standoff since the cold war. clarissa ward is in ukraine. the new unemployment numbers point the way for the economy. anthony mason reports. dr. jon lapook tells us a rare and deadly virus has been seen for the first time in the united states. police say they stopped a plot to bomb an american high school. jamie yuccas is on the story. and steve hartman "on the road"- - everyone but lauren could see she was dying. >> it was that desperate? >> at that point, yes. >> pelley: it took strangers in a gym to strong-arm her back to life. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley.


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